Sep 22, 2013
The Real Event Of Noah’s Flood
Series: The Book Of Hebrews
Bro. Mike continues to speak about the faith of Noah and the flood that covered the entire planet. He discusses how the flood could have happened using Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate theory.
- Sep 22, 2013The Real Event Of Noah’s Flood
Sep 22, 2013The Real Event Of Noah’s FloodSeries: The Book Of HebrewsBro. Mike continues to speak about the faith of Noah and the flood that covered the entire planet. He discusses how the flood could have happened using Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate theory.
- Sep 15, 2013The Reasons For The Flood
Sep 15, 2013The Reasons For The FloodSeries: The Book Of HebrewsThe Hebrews Hall Of Faith continues with Noah. As Bro. Mike speaks on Noah's faith, he begins with why the flood happened and discusses a oft misunderstood phrase in the scripture
- Sep 8, 2013The Greatest Joy Of Your Life
Sep 8, 2013The Greatest Joy Of Your LifeSeries: The Book Of HebrewsContinuing in Chapter 11 of Hebrews, Bro. Mike speaks about Enoch, the man who walked with God and didn't die.
- Sep 1, 2013Faith In God Speaks For Eternity
Sep 1, 2013Faith In God Speaks For EternitySeries: The Book Of HebrewsContinuing in Hebrews 11, Bro. Mike speaks about the story of Cain and Abel and how faith speak louder than any word can
- Aug 25, 2013Substance & Evidence
Aug 25, 2013Substance & EvidenceSeries: The Book Of HebrewsIntroducing Hebrews 11, Bro. Mike discusses what faith is and what faith looks like.
- Aug 18, 2013Ministry In Belize
Aug 18, 2013Ministry In BelizeBy: Bob FarleySeries: MissionsWhile on furlough, Bro. Bob Farley and his wife Rhonda speak about their mission in Belize.
- Aug 4, 2013Promotion Day
Aug 4, 2013Promotion DaySeries: The Book Of HebrewsAfter a warning to his readers about drifting away and not meeting with fellow believers, the author of Hebrews provides encouragement that there is day coming that is worth it. Bro. Mike discusses the day that he calls Promotion Day.
- Jul 28, 2013Covenant Loyalty
Jul 28, 2013Covenant LoyaltySeries: The Book Of HebrewsThere are those believe that you can lose your salvation, while others believe that, in certain passages in scripture, there are a second class of Christians who are really saved. Bro. Mike debunks both of these myths in regards to Hebrews and explains what it truly means to have covenant loyalty to God.
- Jul 21, 2013The Big Picture
Jul 21, 2013The Big PictureSeries: No SeriesUsing insights he learned from the previous week at youth camp, Bro. Aaron speaks about what we, as the church, need to keep at the front of minds in order to be more effective.
- Jul 21, 2013The Big Picture
Jul 21, 2013The Big PictureSeries: No SeriesUsing insights he learned from the previous week at youth camp, Bro. Aaron speaks about what we, as the church, need to keep at the front of minds in order to be more effective.
- Jul 21, 2013A Different Kind Of Pig Pen
Jul 21, 2013A Different Kind Of Pig PenSeries: No SeriesBro. Mike takes a look at the story of the Prodigal Son and discusses the father, the younger son, and the older son in a way you may not have heard.
- Jul 14, 2013Consider Each Other
Jul 14, 2013Consider Each OtherSeries: No SeriesSome would think that the first century church, being closer to the time that Christ walked the earth, didn't engage in some of the preferential treatment and exclusion we may see today. Preaching out 1 Corinthians, Bro. Mike speaks about how some in that church did what they could to exclude some of their own congregation and how we should consider each other
- Jul 14, 2013Consider Each Other
Jul 14, 2013Consider Each OtherSeries: No SeriesSome would think that the first century church, being closer to the time that Christ walked the earth, didn't engage in some of the preferential treatment and exclusion we may see today. Preaching out 1 Corinthians, Bro. Mike speaks about how some in that church did what they could to exclude some of their own congregation and how we should consider each other
- Jul 7, 2013The Rub Of Discipleship
Jul 7, 2013The Rub Of DiscipleshipSeries: The Book Of HebrewsContinuing the study of Hebrews, Bro. Mike discusses how, at times, we can become irritated as Christians and may even stop meeting fellow believers. He speaks about how, instead, God wants us to draw near to Him and continue meeting together.
- Jun 30, 2013Come Closer
Jun 30, 2013Come CloserSeries: The Book Of HebrewsIn the Old Testament, God instructed the Israelites to stay away from Mount Sinai. Bro. Mike discusses that, after the cross, God invites us not to stay away, but to enter His presence with boldness.