

Michael Funderburk, Pastor
Contact email: michael@fbcf.org
Michael serves as pastor of our church family.  He has been a pastor for over 30 years and has served churches in Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Maryland, Washington, and Texas. He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern Mississippi and a master’s degree from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is happily married to his wife Robin. They have three adult children: David, Lauren, and Nathan. Michael would love for you to join us for worship and get to know our church family!

Terry Smith, Associate Pastor of Worship and Ministry

Contact email: terry@fbcf.org

Terry serves as the Minister of Music/Senior Adults at First Baptist Church, Floresville. After touring with Friendship Ministries from 1979-80, he felt called into full-time ministry. Terry has served in several Southern Baptist churches including the cities of Bishop, Falfurrias, Greenville, Austin, Pleasanton and Floresville. He received his college education at Texas A&M in Kingsville, Texas, and Texas A&M in Commerce, Texas. Terry was born and raised in Pleasanton, Texas. He is happily married to his wife, Sandra, and has two precious daughters, Bethany (husband Andrew) and Rachel (husband Steven), and a granddaughter, Audrey.


Christie Davis, Family Ministry Assistant


Zoé Fox, Office Manager

Contact email: office@fbcf.org


Jessica Fossler, Admin Assistant

Contact email: jessica@fbcf.org


JIll Coleman, Custodian



If you would like to speak with one of our deacons please contact the church office 830-216-4946, or look in our monthly newsletters for their phone numbers.  
                Our Deacons:
Ron Bluff                    Al Riley Jr-Chairman
Chris Coats                 Bob Whitley
Bob Etheridge            Lindy “Skip” Glenn
Bob Herndon              Randy Richards
John Long                   Thomas Welfel
Bill Munk                     Ronald Wright