Adult Bible Study (Sunday School)
An interactive, ongoing study of the Bible where members have an opportunity to grow not only spiritually, but in friendship with other Christians. Current adult classes include: Young Adults, HIS class (mixed adult class), the Ragamuffins (mixed adult class), Proverbs 31 class (women’s class), Helping Hands class (women’s class), Titus 2 (mixed adult class).
Life Groups – Wednesday 6:30 pm (unless otherwise indicated)
These Bible study classes are presented during the fall and spring semesters. The course of study is usually 8 to 12 weeks long. Click HERE for our current Life Group classes.
Prayer Meeting – Wednesday 6:30 pm
Church members and visitors meet in conjunction with Pastor’s discipleship class to sing, study, and pray for each other, family members and friends.
New and Prospective Members Class (Coed, Multi-generational). Scheduled approximately quarterly. Ask Guest Services or the church office for upcoming dates and times.
Women’s Bible Study – Wednesdays @ 10:30 am & 6:30 pm
Fall and Spring classes designed just for women who want to study Biblical principles are offered. Studies usually last 8 to 12 weeks long.
Creative Hands Quilting and Needlework – Mondays at 10:00 am
Do you like to sew, or would you like to learn? Bring your lunch and join some very talented people who work on individual projects, make baby quilts for Baby Dedication, knit and crochet.
Line exercise class, Family Life Center: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 9:30 am.
Open for all ages. Bring comfy shoes and get moving!
Water Aerobics-Monday-Friday 7:45am-8:45am @ Floresville City Pool on Hwy 97W
Bring a pool noodle at least 2 3/4″ in diameter and two water bottles or hand weights.
Text Linda Downs at 210-632-6018 for more information.
Senior Adult Ministries
Senior adults enjoy fellowship, mission opportunities, fellowship time together, and fun trips.
Cardio & Strength Training for Seniors-Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4:30pm-5:15pm
Contact Linda Downs at 210-632-6018 for more information.
Church Library
The library is operated on the honor system any time the church office is open. Please sign the notebook, with the title of the book and the barcode number. On Sundays, the librarian will be there before and after services if you need to request a book or video. You may donate books or purchase new books in memory of a loved one.
Are you aware of your spiritual gifts? To find your talents and gifts, visit the website and click on the “Free Spiritual Gifts Analysis”. You can learn how you can best serve God in your church, home and community.
Church Activities
Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is observed quarterly during the 10:30 am worship service. All those of like faith are welcome to participate. This is a meaningful time of worship led by the pastor and deacons.
5th Sunday Fellowship
On the 5th Sunday of the month everyone is invited to a covered dish luncheon immediately following the 10:30 am worship service. (All afternoon/evening activities are cancelled on fifth Sundays.)